Don't be sad, if there's a thing we've learned from school it is that school doesn't teach you "how to do" but "what has been done" and, with classworks and votes, it gives you a very simple choice: uniform to standards and be a part of something, hoping that you get hired, or choose your way and draw your line in the sand, hoping that you get noticed.
Aww, sorry to hear you're unhappy with your school. What exactly didn't you like about it?
I had a similar experience. I didn't finish at the first place I enrolled. They didn't offer some courses that I had been looking forward to (like photography).
I finished at the second place I went to, but I think that was only because I really like my classmates. The photography instructor was awful (he was dating a student and got fired for it *after* I finished his class) and the animation course was more like one week of 'here's the software, play with it, make something, then move on.' We were never taught any fundamentals or basic principles. Which is why I STILL can't animate today! lol
I hope the next place you attend suits you better and meets your needs! Don't give up! ;)
JKSSN (Updated )
Basically, I left because no one is teaching is..
Actually, in the beginning, they had a motto that kinda went like, "We believe in the teaching where you will figure out the problem all by yourself."
So basically, we aren't taught at all..
I kinda went optimistic about it that maybe they'll at least give us stuff to do. Which they kinda did.. but not as much as I learned when I was all learning by myself.
But what made it kinda worth it for the experience was my classmates too! xD
They were the best.. I was actually made class pres. and.. yeah.. a lot of them are gonna miss me. And I already miss them..
But definitely, I won't give up.. Education here is cheap and might as well make use of it and find whatever career I can have in art. Thanks Nae! :3