Yes, this pleases me.
That guy that tries to git gud at drawing and draws a lot of animal people. Currently working in an outsourcing animation studio.
Age 30, Male
Flash Animator
Joined on 3/7/11
Yes, this pleases me.
Im glad.
Nice fight the good fight man
I dont really know what you meant by me fighting something, but sure! :D
Adobe Illustrator is also good for doing cartoons. The Pen Tool is hard to use at first but once you've mastered it you can do anything, pretty much.
I was thinking of getting it along with after effects, but I dont really need it.
Nice cartoon. Chuckled a little.
You mean the comic?
Yeah, its based on a youtube show, so it doesnt make much sense to people who has no idea about it.
Also, why are you commenting it here instead of there?
*comic. Xcuse me.
fgayouf gwaelvawle gowlitf
Also, I commented here, because my opinion is still kinda that review room is for reviews, and not for comments.
Ok then.
Leave Newgrounds if you can't stand being on here anymore. Some day you might want to visit us here again. That's what I did.
Lawl! Its not that I cant stand newgrounds, but im being unactive compared before.
Before, I collect b/p points, exp, and post at the forums a lot.
Now, I just come for the games and uploading my art.
And oh yeah, checking out my friends and fave artists activities too.
Hey, how's it been?
Good, very good.
Yea I'm good :)
Damn bro I haven't really talked to you for months why haven't you been using skype?
1. The people usually I chat there are like 3 people and the facebook chat feature.
2. A waste of extra ram process...thread...whatever you call it.
3. I keep forgetting or too lazy to sign in. xD
better re open my facebook and get rid of mostly everyone I had as a friend
haha! xD
Transferring artwork from paper to PS doesn't seem like a bad idea. I might start doing that.
The problem for me is that I find it easier to start drawing on a paper but cant start and do every thing on photoshop.
Good luck though on doing traditional art.