I'll never be able to draw as good as you can.
That guy that tries to git gud at drawing and draws a lot of animal people. Currently working in an outsourcing animation studio.
Age 30, Male
Flash Animator
Joined on 3/7/11
I'll never be able to draw as good as you can.
I bet you can! :)
Its your character, your thought, your opinion.
Yeah, and i think its not that good :C
Trust me. All you need to do is focus your time on creative thoughts. Your drawing itself is pretty neat. Why don't you use your dreams (if you have any) as references? That'd be something to get original ideas out of.
My dreams...
My dreams isnt that really interesting and I dont remember my dreams when I wake up...
I think it has potential. It's obvious that it's a sketch, and clearly not nearly finished. I do like the idea, but I don't like the angle.
I (though it's my personal taste) to see 1) if you're adding a human, make it face the background, not en face or profile, and
2) at least see a horizon, if you're adding a road like that. Make it so, that the cars pile up to a certain point where you can't separate the cars from the road anymore, but still see a sky (blue if you want to add an element of hope, or something) above the horizon.
Good luck!
Yeah, Im gonna try to redraw this in photshop and add more stuff in it like that.
I like the guy facing in the left direction...
Also piled up cars... I dont know if I can draw that... I'll try
Well, I assumed they were cars, so yeah...
Anyway, it's -of course- all about your personal preference.
there were cars, but not piled up.
I was picturing it abandoned since there was a tank in the way.
Too late! Its not piled up. :3
Shit's fucking cute man. It's also called 'your own style'. Keep drawing, keep improving is all I'm saying.
What can you say about this one? http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/it em/37df3c2a03cac54348c19e033efcac e3